Welcome to Fluid Audio Group. Located in the heart of uptown Saint John, New Brunswick, Fluid Audio Group is a full-service recording facility that specializes in audio production, as well as post-production, electronics repair and live sound services. Regardless of what your audio needs are, we can make it happen.
What’s New
Essais d’amplis de guitare
Sur la base de l’intérêt relatif à l’essai actuel du H & K TubeMeister chez Fluid Audio Group, nous allons poursuivre avec une évaluation hebdomadaire des amplificateurs différents pour un certain temps. La période sera du jeudi au jeudi. Les amplificateurs sera principalement fourni par Long & McQuade. Nous annoncerons également ce sujet sur notre […]
Guitar Amp Trials
Based on the relative interest in the current testing of the H&K Tubemeister at Fluid Audio Group, we will be continuing with a weekly evaluation of different amplifiers for some time. The period will be from Thursday to Thursday. The amplifiers will mostly be supplied by Long & McQuade. We will also be announcing this […]
Featured Project
Marissa Rignanesi - This Side of the Snow
The debut album from Marissa Rignanesi available soon on iTunes. Visit her facebook page for details on upcoming shows.